– Award-winning comedy about friendship

How would you feel about your best friend if he or she suddenly did something colossally stupid?

It happens in this Tony Award-winning dark comedy that focuses on the meaning of friendship.

When Serge buys an apparently pure white canvas by a fashionable artist for a lot of money his old mate, Marc, thinks it’s a piece of pretentious rubbish.

Yvan, their mutual friend, tries to reconcile but only succeeds in antagonising both of them.

Art raises one of drama’s eternal questions: how much truth and honesty human beings can stand?

In a surprising and funny way, it brings into play issues of friendship, loyalty and the difficulty and value of telling the truth.


SCRIPT Yasmina Reza
CAST Rasmus Emil Mortensen, Benjamin Stender, Peter Vinding

Plays at Krudttønden
Serridslevvej 2, 2100 Kbh Ø

Feb. 20 – March 23 2019
Mon – Fri 8pm
Sat. 5pm

Tickets: Teaterbilletter.dk / 7020 2096


CPH Post (17/2)
POW International (21/2)
POW International (21/2) – english ver.
CPH Post (22/2)
KulturTid (26/2)
En Tur i KulturLand (27/2)


Education material


Skotsk fødte Ian Burns er med sit teater, That Theatre Company, for mange, blevet synonom med engelsksproget teater i Danmark – og mange er ham taknemmelige for det. Hør ham selv fortælle historien i videoen. Ian er valgt af og i selskab med Christiane Bjørg Nielsen her i Actors1by1 stafetten, afsnit 29. Hør interviewet her


Copyright © That Theatre Company 2025